Principles That Guide My Leadership

Throughout my career—whether in Congress, leading two public research universities, or shaping national policy—I’ve sought to lead with integrity, humility, and an unwavering commitment to mission.
I don’t lead from the left or the right. I lead from a place of shared values, institutional goals, and public trust. These principles have helped me navigate challenging environments, unify diverse stakeholders, and deliver results that matter—for students, faculty, and society.
In a time when universities must deliver both excellence and inclusion, free inquiry and civic trust, these principles guide how I build coalitions, make decisions, and lead with purpose.
Mission First
Principle: I lead based not on ideology, but on the institutional mission. My guiding question is always: Does this serve the long-term good of the university, the state, or the nation? Does it align with its values, mission and strategic plan?
Example: When the CU Board’s political composition changed, I remained focused on the university’s best interests—facilitating a stable transition rather than responding politically. The Board unanimously adopted the strategic plan I led and honored me with the title President Emeritus.
360º Vision
Principle: Leading a public institution requires actively engaging with and listening to a wide range of stakeholders. In politics, that means seeking out and understanding perspectives from the left, right, and center. In higher education, it's about collaborating with faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors, political leaders, and community voices.
Example: At the University of Colorado (CU) and the Univeristy of North Dakota (UND), I actively engaged with the leadership team, shared governance bodies, the governing board, and external stakeholders to shape strategic direction. These inclusive conversations helped produce widely embraced strategic plans at both institutions.
"Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see."
Life Is a Game of Addition
Principle: Leadership is about multiplying strengths, not dividing camps. The only words written on our national seal are E Pluribus Unum—out of many, one. I believe in building coalitions, expanding opportunity, and finding common ground to advance shared goals.
Example: As a Congressman, I partnered with 20 Democrats to co-lead legislation, garnered co-sponsorships from more than half the Democratic caucus, and built bridges across party lines to get results.
Extending the Opportunities a College Degree Provides
Principle: My wife Debbie and I are both first-generation college graduates who worked hard to earn our degrees. That experience instilled in us a deep belief in higher education as a ladder of opportunity. We’re committed to opening that ladder to others willing to in the effort to climb it.
Example: Together, we established scholarships at each university I’ve served. At both CU and UND, I prioritized building support pipelines for first-generation, rural, and underrepresented students—expanding access, improving outcomes, and helping more students to climb the ladder to graduate.
“The essence of America—that which really unites us—is not ethnicity, or nationality, or religion. It is an idea—and what an idea it is: that you can come from humble circumstances and do great things.”
Agree and Align on a Shared Vision
Principle: Leading a large, complex organization effectively requires engaging in broad-based discussions to agree on a shared vision and the strategies that will advance the organization toward that vision.
Example: At both UND and CU, I facilitated institution-wide planning efforts that engaged hundreds of stakeholders. These processes produced widely supported strategic plans that provided clear institutional direction.
Less is More
Principle: The essence of strategy is deciding what not to do. An organization can achieve greater results by focusing on a fewer number of high priorities rather than diffusing its energies across a wide range of efforts.
Example: The strategic plans at both UND and CU focused on defining the insitutional vision and mission concisely, and embracing a finite number of objectives, strategies, and action steps to advance that mission. Focus added to each plan's effectiveness.
Measure What Is Important
Principle: What gets measured gets done. Effective leadership means identifying key outcomes and holding the institution accountable to them.
Example: At UND and CU, I insisted that each strategy in our systemwide plan include specific, trackable metrics—providing the transparency needed to sustain momentum and demonstrate impact.
If Everyone is Responsible, No One is Responsible
Principle: Accountability requires clarity. Assigning broad goals to many often leads to inaction. Real progress happens when a single leader owns a specific outcome.
Example: Each strategic initiative at UND and CU was assigned to a specific cabinet or campus leader, ensuring responsibility was clear and progress could be tracked.
Align, Empower, and Deliver
Principle: I align my direct reports’ goals with mine, which are in turn aligned with the strategic plan. I empower leaders to act boldly—and hold them accountable for delivering results that achieve the organization's strategic priorities.
Example: At UND and CU, I required each leader to tie their performance metrics to system goals, and reviewed progress toward those objectives regularly.
"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
Overcommunicate in Uncertain Times
Principle: In moments of disruption or change, I communicate early, often, and transparently. Even when the answers aren’t yet clear, clarity of intent builds institutional trust.
Example: During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, I called every university president in the state before announcing CU’s transition to remote instruction—giving others a heads up and building shared purpose.
Principled, Not Performative
Principle: When navigating controversial topics, I focus on results—not optics. I believe in measurable progress rooted in mission and law—not performative actions that may undermine long-term trust.
Example: At CU, we focused on expanding access and advancing student success through initiatives grounded in the university’s mission. We invested in programs that broadened pathways to higher education—particularly for rural, first-generation, and underserved students — and tracked outcomes to ensure real progress. Our approach emphasized structural impact over rhetoric: building support systems, strengthening pipelines, and ensuring every student had a fair shot at succeeding and graduating.
"Americans don’t accept a free ride for anybody, nor do we believe in equality of outcomes. But we do expect equal opportunity."
Take the High Road
Principle: I have always found that when stumbling or facing unfair treatment, taking the high road leads to the best long-term result. This includes the adages, "If in a hole, stop digging" and "If it feels good, don’t say it."
Example: When confronted with politically motivated opposition and shift in the makeup of the Regents at CU, I chose not to escalate. Instead, I ensured a smooth transition that prioritized institutional stability and maintained my integrity.
These principles are not abstract ideals—they are daily practices. They guide how I lead teams, make decisions, and stay grounded in service to institutions, communities, and the nation.

Favorite Quotes
“I will not be concerned at other men’s not knowing me; I will be concerned at my own want of ability.” Confucius
"When one side only of a story is heard and often repeated, the human mind becomes impressed with it insensibly." George Washington
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill
"A lack of consensus is no excuse for a lack of leadership." Margaret Thatcher
“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” John F. Kennedy
“All children need a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them.” Colin Powell
What Team Said
- These were some of the public, on-record comments shared by my team during my final Board of Regents meeting at CU—reflections I cherish for what they say about how we worked together.
- “Asked questions we needed to ask.”
- “Nothing ever falls through the cracks.”
- “Thank you for pushing me to be the best person and leader I can be.”
- “Capacity to work unlike I have ever seen before; kept us moving.”
- “Incredibly kind, helpful, and gracious.”
- “Pleasure to work with you and for you.”
- “Helped move the university forward.”